The Punch of Brevity

William Blake knew something of brevity. While he did write long stories and poems, it is his shorter ones i like most. 

I think he understood the whole “less is more” concept. 

Brevity has a certain punch to it which i really appreciate. 

Here is one of my favorites of his:


He who binds to himself a joy 

Does the winged life destroy; 

   But he who kisses joy as it flies

Lives in eternity’s sunrise.

                –Eternity by William Blake

May we live the winged life…

2011 – Back to the Stanza

Earlier this year I decided to read at least one poem every day. I used to read a lot of poetry, but have gotten out of the habit over the last couple of years. Well, I’m getting back to it. 

I heard once that it is the poets who are the guardians of language. I think this is true.  Some think poetry is fluffy and frilly and pointless.  And some of it is, to be sure.  But a lot of poetry is incredibly deep and moving and thought-provoking and powerful.  For it is one thing to write a thought or communicate a point.  But it is entirely another to craft that thought or idea into a work of art that fits together like a puzzle piece. There is a lot to learn from that.

So this year so far I have been alternating between William Blake and W.B. Yeats – two of my favorites. I thought I would post the ones that particularly stand out to me. 


Here’s one that really made me think:



I Dreamt a Dream! what can it mean?

And that I was a maiden Queen: 

Guarded by an Angel mild:

Witless woe, was ne’er beguil’d!


And I wept both night and day

And he wip’d my tears away

And I wept both day and night

And hid from him my heart’s delight.


So he took his wings and fled:

Then the morn blush’d rosy red:

I dried my tears & armed my fears,

With ten thousand shields and spears.


Soon my Angel came again; 

I was arm’d, he came in vain:

For the time of youth was fled

And gray hairs were on my head.

                 –The Angel by William Blake