I was told a recently of a little lady who lived alone in Meddellin, Colombia. She was down-and-out, dejected, and all her hope had vanished like snow in afternoon sun. She was so hopeless that, to her, the only answer was to end her life. As she was thinking about ways to kill herself, she saw some people stirring about outside. She saw a group of people, then she heard them knock at her door.
She didn’t answer at first. She didn’t want to be interrupted. Then the knock came again. She was intrigued so she answered. It was a group of Christians that had simply come to share their faith.
She accepted Christ that day in her house with a group of American and Colombian brothers and sisters. They welcomed her into the Kingdom of God with warm embraces and tears of joy.
There are 8 young adults (including myself) going to that same town in Colombia for a week – March 14-22 – over Spring Break. We are looking forward to sharing the love of God to the people of Meddellin as the team above did.

While we are there we will:
- Participate in ministry at a very large prison.
- Join with a soccer ministry that works with over 1000 kids and have the opportunity to share the Gospel and God’s love
- Partner with the local churches in serving the community and go door to door, testifying to God’s saving grace
We are expecting God to do great things during our time there. We are praying that God would lead us to the right little lady, or young boy, or world-worn man who has lost hope so that we can tell them the good news: that God has found us, redeemed us, and that we can cast our cares upon Him and have life abundantly.
Would you join us in this prayer? If you have questions about how to support us on this mission, feel free to shoot me an email at gabel{at}faclex.com