From Dave Letterman's Top Ten 6 January, 2010 – Thought it was pretty hilarious.
Top Ten Signs You're At A Bad Airport 10.To check a bag, it's a thousand bucks
9.Security checkpoint workers encourage you to frisk them
8.For the kids, a wading pool full of jet fuel
7.Guy in tower won't say anything but "Niner"
6.All flights depart at the same time
5.Airport is home to 7 of world's 10 deadliest snakes
4.Has Hertz Rent-A-Monkey counter
3.Them: "Where are you traveling?" You: "San Francisco." Them: "We'll get you as close as we can"
2.I don't remember planes having to parallel park quite so much
1.At the duty-free shop you can buy exploding underpants